About my Website and Me


This website is to list what I have done. Here is my CV, for more detailed informations.

Research interest

  • Condensed matter theory (CMT)
    • Quantum Many-body system, Strongly correlated systems
    • Topological phase & insulator
    • Implementation of Machine learning; interpretable Neural networks


  • Cornell University
    • Physics PhD student
  • Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST college website)
    • B.S. Physics major, Mathematics minor
  • Boston University, summer session
    • Statistics & Probability, Mocroeconomic Analysis

Research Experience


  • 21-fall
    • Interpretation on minimal neural network to learn the metal-insulator transition in the dynamical mean-field theory. Analyzing the network connectivity to find the system measure that can be employed to broader range beyond our specific setup, based on the few bath orbitals from DMFT-ED. Currently working on publication. (github, summary)
  • 21-summer
    • Machine learning prediction of metal-insulator transition in DMFT Hubbard model (github, summary)
  • 21-spring
    • Undergraduate thesis 1: Calculating the hybridization function on DMFT-NRG, trying to improve the accuracy of the metal-insulator transition points.


  • 20-summer
    • Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (G-SURF): Markov-chain-MonteCarlo method and Ising model + Self-learning Monte-Carlo (github, summary_slmc, summary_ising)


  • 19-winter
    • AdS-CFT with deep learning: Python & Tensorflow (github)

Extra: Presentations, Projects, TA…

presentations / courses / teaching experiences / etc…


  • 21-fall
    • Teaching Assistant for General Physics I in English
    • Presentation in Nuclear & Particle Physics: (1) Renormalization group, (2) Neutrino Oscillation
  • 21-spring
    • Teaching Assistant for General Physics I
    • Project on Machine learning & Deep learning: implementing neural network classifier for CIFAR100 dataset on Kaggle


  • 20-fall
    • Presentation in Thermal & Statistical Physics: Transverse-field Ising model (summary)
  • 20-spring
    • Teaching Assistant for General Physics I
    • Project in Quantum Physics I: Exact solution of finite harmonic oscillator (summary)


  • 19-summer
    • Boston University summer international exchange: Introductory Microeconomic Analysis, Basic Statistics and Probability
  • 19-spring
    • Presentation in Physics & Math Seminar: Coanda effect (summary)
    • Physics club president


  • 18-winter
    • Caltech collaboration course, Physical Biology of the Cell (PBoC)


  • Korean Youth Physicists’ Tournament (KYPT): Fast chain, Spiral wave, Torsion gyroscope was my subject.
  • Research & Education program: Stability of liquid surface in condition of human walking